Beetroot Juice Ingredients
Beetroot juice is not only blessed with a beautiful color but also packed with nutrients. A detailed view of this parcel comes out to be like:
Vitamins: Beetroots are a good source of folic acid and vitamin C. It also contains small amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B3, and vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene.
Minerals: Rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium. Also, smaller amounts of iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium.
Amino Acids: While raw beets are mostly water and carbohydrate, they also contain small amounts of all the amino acids (protein).
Calories: One 2" (5cm) beetroot contains 35 calories.
Antioxidants: Its carotenoids and flavanoids can help reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol which could lead to damaged artery walls and ultimately heart attacks and strokes.
Anti-carcinogenic Color: The deep red color of beetroot comes from betacyanin. This prevents from colon cancer.
Silica: The rich stock of silica in it does perfect utilization of calcium in the body and is also required for healthy skin, hair, nails and bones.